We all know as a society that we're using too much single use plastic so when a Supermarket such as Sainsburys reduces the amount of plastic it's using on some of it's products surely that's a good thing, right? Well the only problem is, nobody likes change! Americans have been buying minced beef (or ground beef as they call it) in tightly packed packaging for years but for us Brits this is a new thing for us.
When cooking it in a frying pan you need to chop it up a bit more with a utensil whilst it's browning so just a little bit more effort than normal but surely it's worth it to reduce the amount of plastic packaging being used? All we need now is something to replace the plastic with that isn't bad for the environment. Reducing plastic waste is great, but we need to stop using it completely...
It comes as no surprise to me that it tastes just as delicious as always!
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