Homemade Pizza Recipe

Portions: 1 Pizza - enough for 2 to 4 people (or 1 and some leftovers for eating later)



If you were expecting to see flour and yeast amongst the ingredients then sorry to disappoint you but I use a packet mix for my pizza base dough.  I still make it fresh by mixing in some water and it's still so much better than buying a premade pizza from the supermarket.

You can buy ready mix packets in most supermarkets with enough ingredients in to make 1 pizza.  It does work out cheaper to buy a large 3.5kg of Pizza Base Mix from the likes of Country Range (readily available from Amazon) you just use 142g of the mix with 90ml of water.
  1. Add the Pizza Base Mix to a bowl

  2. Stir in the water and continue to mix until it becomes a dough

  3. Remove the dough mixture and give it a good kneading
  4. Sprinkle some Semolina in to the bowl
  5. Put the pizza dough back in the bowl and sprinkle some more Semolina on top

  6. Wrap a cloth (something like a tea towel will do) over the bowl

  7. Leave to proof for a few hours (if you are pushed for time then use boiling/warm water in step 2 as this can speed up the proofing process a bit)
  8. When ready to cook, sprinkle some semolina on a work surface (I prefer to use some greaseproof paper as it makes less mess)

  9. Roll out the dough to the shape you require
  10. If you have a Pizza Docker run that over the pizza to create a few dents in the dough - if you don't have one then prick it all over with a fork

  11. Spread some Pizza Base Sauce over the dough

  12. Sprinkle on some cheese - I like to use a cheddar/mozzarella mix
  13. Add whatever toppings you like but try to avoid putting anything in the very centre so to make it easier to slice when cooked

  14. You can use pizza tray but I've had a bit more luck with a Pizza Stone

  15. Put the pizza in a preheated oven on a high-ish heat for around 8-12 minutes until it's done how you like it

Serving Suggestion(s)

Great eaten cold as a snack too - just wrap in tin foil when cool and keep it in the fridge.
